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Life can’t always be a lalaland for anyone


1 minute read

There are both good and bad days in everyone’s life. It is all about how one overcomes it. People are not the same every day, they have their good, bad, fun, productive, and lazy days. Based on a single day event judging or classifying them as something is not healthy for any bond. What matters is analytically deciphering what went wrong, what could have happened differently, what can be refrained in future.
Social media is 98% about the fancy things people show from their life which is just .02% of what happens in their life. Subconsciously people perceive that sky is falling on a bad day and everyone around is having a fantabulous life. It is healthy to voice out that it is normal to have bad days, and bad days don’t mean a bad life. Taking lessons from the bad days and finding ways to make days better is a favour anyone can do to themselves.
Every episode of life needn’t happen for a reason. Some days are just so stupid and crazy and make no sense and it is ok! It is all about forgetting anything that weighs heavy inside and taking what can add weightage in the head to make life better.