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Defining Success – Discovering & Embracing Uniqueness


1 minute read

Discovering your unique path to success

Everyone wants success in their lives. What is success?  Becoming a political leader might not be a success for an artisan who wants to have a world-renowned art gallery. To be successful one should have a personal success definition. Your individuality is your true success. Explore within you bring out your inner magic into the outer world.

Your success definition needn’t be based on the opinion of your near or far circle, it should be straight from your heart, for your heart!

A state of mind that will keep you contended for your lifetime. Yes, a lifetime. It is not a destination, but a process that you live. Say you want to live a happy and abundant life with your family members, then spending time with them & growing in your career consistently is a success.
The universe is generous to grant us all that we aspire to have. Never restrict to one or two wishes. Have one primary goal or say purpose for life and several milestones to achieve in the process. Celebrate the success of every milestone and keep marching gloriously towards your life purpose.

By doing so, you will always stay intact with your primary goal and at the same time, be open to grab the opportunities as and when they come your way. As a bonus, some occasional failures might not shatter you, as you have bigger things to focus.