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Assigning a place for everything in the home is a healthy way to start. While walking around the house carrying scattered things and putting them back in their appropriate place will make decluttering look effortless.
Having a wiping towel tucked underneath every furniture will help you wipe off the surface as and when needed without tending to procrastinate it. A weekly routine for floor cleaning, decor dusting, window cleaning and more could instil a lot of discipline and channelise the ambience of your daily life magically.
Wiping off the toilet floors, mirrors and glasses after every shower will keep them clean forever. Having a decluttered vanity and wardrobe is always challenging as our priorities and preferences change once in three months mostly. An essentialist mindest can help you put forth the regular stuff you use in a more organised way and storing the rest on higher shelves or in the back. It will not only look accessible but evade the everyday struggles of what to wear and where to find.
Cleaning the kitchen counter before dining is a practice that makes your kitchen look always inviting and crystal clear. Washing the dishes then and there instead of letting it soar in the sink could be substantial for the ones who hate standing hours together doing the dishes.
Just as brushing, shower, eating and, working is part of our life, these little adaptations in our routine can make life more classy & cosy. A beautiful home is a dream, not a destination keeping it tidy and neat regularly can help you live your dream longer or maybe even forever.